Monday, 3 May 2010

The banter - part two

As you might have guessed, this post is linked to a previous one. This one. Which is linked to this one. And so on. And so on...

Anyway, here's the chat I got from the SSP candidate, Ally Hendry. You can see their blog here. You can contact Ally here.

"Thanks for enquiring about the Scottish Socialist Party, i have attached information about the branch locally, and am sorry we dont seem to have covered the area you live with our election material but we are a growing branch at present and cover all of West Lothian. We do have a west lothian blog which charts a lot of the work we have been doing and you can also check the national web site. I would be pleased to arrange a meeting with yourself to discuss the party further."

I think the most worrying part of the material is the labelling of non public-sector workers as "wage-slaves". Actually, it's not clear who isn't a wage slave from the material.

Funny, I don't think of myself as a slave to money. Do you?

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