Wednesday, 21 October 2009

I did something new today

I got through the to-do list with time to spare. A good day.

Last week, I had another day where I did something new: I got stuck in a lift. Not something I've been actively persuing as something to achieve, but it happened, nonetheless.

My first thought? Press the emergency buzzer and have a short & productive conversation with the security person on the other end of the line. Although, it was slightly concerning that he asked "which lift" I was in. I held back the retort "why, does this happen often?" as I was unsure how dry the fellas sense of humour was. An engineer would be dispatched as soon as possible. I found out later that they literally came running. Which was nice of them.

Second thought? I'd better tell the world (starting with Mrs Weir). So, a few conversations over Facebook & Twitter ensued (here's the photo taken with the fuzzy lens of my G1 that @RobinsonsS asked for):

After about 10 minutes, I realised it was getting warm. Hmm.

When the engineer arrived, banging on the doors and shouting "hello", there was the sound of panic in their voice. Like they were concerned about the lift brake systems immenent demise. It was important then, for there sakes, that I remained calm.

I was informed that the lift would be winched up manually and they'd get me out as soon as possible. This gave me visions of a gang of people heaving away at the other end of the rope to move the lift. Needless to say, as the building has counter-weight powered lifts, that wasn't how it would work. So I'm told.

I read and replied to a few emails & messages.

Anyway, once the lift had been lifted, the engineers (there were two now) got the doors open and there was the rush of conditioned air into the small box but I wasn't allowed out.

I could see the floor (the one I was heading for) and, okay there was a 2ft drop from the edge of the lift to the landing, but I've got long legs, I'm alright with that.

But apparently, HSE regulations prohibit people exiting a lift in this state. Really? In case the lift fails. I can't imagine a scenario when I'd want to stay in the lift when it's failing. By which we mean falling, right? Other than maybe the buiding failing. But that's a bit too Wylie E Coyote.

Then a third engineer, named Otis (;-p) gave the all clear. I could jump, if I was willing to take the risk. Let me think about that...

That's my experience of being stuck in a lift. You had anything far more exciting?

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